November Art Journal Pages - Documented Life Project 2015

The year is quickly coming to an end and here I'am playing catch up with the Documented Life Project 2015. It seems every year around the holidays, our normal routines in life kind of get brushed to the side to prepare for the holidays.  I want to be able to say I finished my DLP this year.  It is now the third week into December and I'm just now starting on this months challenges.  I keep telling myself "I can do it".  Is anyone else finding themselves playing catch up too?  I wanted to share with you some of my pages  from November since I've been seriously slacking on blogging my pages with you. Enjoy!

November Theme
Stencils, Stamps, and Masks
November 7
Art Challenge: Stencils - Made or Bought
Journal Prompt:  On the edge of uncertainty…what are you afraid of?

November Theme
Stencils, Stamps, and Masks
November 14
Art Challenge: Use a Hand Carved Stamp
Journal Prompt:  Tapestries

I just love this quote by Maya Angelou.  It was quite fitting for the challenge.

November Theme
Stencils, Stamps, and Masks
November 21
Art Challenge: Use a Mask
Journal Prompt:  "Mask"arade

What seems ordinary is often the extraordinary.

November Theme
Stencils, Stamps, and Masks
November 28
Art Challenge: Combine the Three (Stencils, Stamps, and Masks)
Journal Prompt:  "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."-Henry James

Be kind always to others and most importantly to yourself. 

Practicing my faces...

Thank you all for stopping by and checking out my November challenges for The Documented Life Project 2015!  

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