The 100 Day Project

Hello, and welcome to the Mixed Media Attic.  I wanted to share with you all something fun and exciting that I will be starting on later today.  Some of you may already know about The 100 day Project, and have seen people sharing about it on Instagram via hashtag #The100DayProject , and some of you may have no idea at all, what it is that I'm talking about.  So below at the end of the post I have a link with some more information on the Project and exactly what it is all about. For the next 100 days I have decided to use my beautiful Illustrated Faith Praise Book that I have been hoarding, afraid to use the last 2 months and turn it into my 100 Days OF Illustrated Worship Book. 

Every day I listen to praise and worship music and I find myself wanting to use lyrics to a worship song in my bible journal but there are times that I do not know what verse fits the lyrics. Each day I want to pick a song from now until July 27th to Illustrate and journal in my Illustrated Faith praise book.  I will be posting my projects for each day every Sunday.  Stay tuned to see what the next 100 days will bring. 

What Is the 100-Day Project? It’s a celebration of process that encourages everyone to participate in 100 days of making. The great surrender is the process; showing up day after day is the goal. For the100-Day Project, it’s not about fetishizing finished products—it’s about the process.

Krystal Barto

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